This page indexes add-on software and other resources relevant to SciPy, categorized by scientific discipline or computational topic. It is intended to be exhaustive. If you know of an unlisted resource, see About This Page, below.
As the links in each section become numerous, they may be placed on separate pages of their own, so be sure to visit those pages as well, if they’re relevant to your search. The listings are roughly organized by topic, with introductory resources first, more general topics next, and discipline-specific resources last.
Unless otherwise indicated, all packages listed here are provided under some form of open source license.
If you distribute or know of a resource that is not listed here, please add a listing. Make an account, login, visit the wiki. You’ll now see an “edit” tab at the top. Click it and go to it. If you need help, there is a help link at the top of the page. Please follow the general format of the existing listings. Be as brief as you can, but make sure you include in your text a link to the resource’s home page and some keywords that potential users might search for to find the resource. Finally, when you have saved, check out your listing and test the link to make sure it works.
If you wish to restructure the page (e.g., break out a section into its own page, change the section headings, etc.), please propose the idea to the mailing list first and get community feedback.
Some generic Python/programming tutorials:
Not to be confused with numerical differentiation via finite differences or with symbolic differentiation provided by Maxima, SymPy, etc. See the Wikipedia entry on automatic differentiation for an explanation of the differences.
For a brief discussion of parallel programming within NumPy/SciPy, see ParallelProgramming.